Hi all, we wanted to provide an update regarding the recent coronavirus / COVID 19 issues around the world at the moment.
The AoC Trust (The Arts of Change) & The ACC Contact Centre, our organisations in Central Dudley are planning to remain open for the foreseeable future unless instructed otherwise by the government or Dudley Council. Despite the announcement of schools, shops, restaurants, pubs etc closing and because our core staff are still well – and we have minimised our contact to just one-on-one work and have cancelled all our live therapeutic groups until the situation surround the coronavirus improves.
Contact sessions are all going ahead as planned unless cancelled by the families prior to the session. All of our supervisors are still well and will continue to attend unless anything changes.
In the interim, we strongly believe that we can continue to help and support our local community, in Dudley and the surrounding areas, especially in light of the Coronavirus epidemic/ pandemic.
We are also able to offer both telephone and Skype counselling sessions to all our clients who are unable or do not want to travel during this time for face to face sessions which is totally understandable.
If any of our staff, therapists and/or counsellors become ill or have had contact with anyone showing symptoms of the COVID 19 illness, we will follow all the appropriate protocols and update you further then.
If anyone has any questions or concerns then please do not hesitate to contact the team via email – support@theaoc.org.uk or call on 01384 211 168.
Kindest regards. The AoC & The ACC Team.

Microscopic view of Coronavirus, a pathogen that attacks the respiratory tract. Analysis and test, experimentation. Sars. 3d render